Although composite materials have many advantages, the use of composite materials, of course, there are disadvantages. The biggest challenges facing composite applications are raw materials and manufacturing costs.Composites are more expensive than similar metals because fiberglass, carbon fiber, foam core, and thermosetting and thermoplastic resins are more expensive. At the same time, for the manufacture of composite components, the mold and capital costs are as high as metal. Composites, unlike metals, lack standardization. While this plays a major role in creating new types of composite materials, their widespread application has been hampered by the need for composite component manufacturers to test the performance of composite components every time they use new resins and fibers. Other drawbacks, such as poor repairability and recyclability, also affect their application.
Poor repairability is due to the fact that the composite is amorphous or heterogeneous, and some of its specific properties, such as strength and stiffness, are unified in one or both directions. This is different from metals, because metals are malleable and homogeneous. Therefore, when a composite component fails, it must be replaced in its entirety, rather than using a patch. However, there are specific direct repair methods that allow parts to be repaired with patches, such as laser welding, although this method has not been used on a large scale.
Composites, unlike steel or aluminum, are not recyclable. Thermosetting composites are easy to pyrolyze at the end of their life cycle, and the respective recovery of fibers and resins is in the stage of in-depth research. The recyclability of thermoplastics is good, but the properties of recycled resins are poor compared to unused polymers. However, as recycling mechanisms and legislation are still in their infancy globally, Frost & Sullivan does not see this as a major constraint for Marine composites adoption.